poll: whats your favorite animal , food , and color?

Somalian food
Never get tired of it

Black & White stripped tiger
Always like tigers and when i'd seen this type i feel in love

The color suited me & because i was a tomboy growing up & now since i'm calm/relaxed now
chili cheese dogs.
i love the taste. and the heart burn. seriously. idk why, but the heartburn is gnarly

they are free to fly anywhere, anytime, whenever they need to.
i wish i was this free

it allows every other color to pop out.
Chicken Nuggets
Cuz they are nummies, cuz the r cute, and green is awesome. Nice name BTW!!!! lol I love it!! My real name is Alexis
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Color: Red

BQ: Just because?
- hamburger
- monkeys
- multicolor

why?: because hamburger are awesome with everything and are delicious, because some of the type of monkeys are adorable and some are really intelligent, multicolor cuz i love every single colours
Food - Hot Dog, I just love it.. with a lot of tomato sauce!

Animal - Cat, I have a cat and love him to bits.

Colour - Red, one of my bedroom walls are Red, it's my favourite colour :)
Favorite Animal: Saber-Tooth Cat/Tiger or anything that is in Cat family
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Red and Blue

BQ: For my favorite animal, its because cats are fascinating animals and their stealth attacks are pretty cool. For my favorite food, its because pizza is very tasty in my opinion. For my favorite color, red and blue are just cool colors.
food-Chinese because i love it. the spare ribs. Yummy!!!
animal- Pigs because i raise, show and action them off
color- blue because its my racing color!!

Delicious. Most unhealthy takeout you can get (and I'm a healthy person)...but I just LOOOOVE it!
I understand how dogs work and can interact with them without fear of getting bitten or peed on (usually)
Red is the colour of passion, lust, romance and it's just so darn rich!