Poll what are some white people stereo types ?


New member
Feb 3, 2013
No one get offended her btw we all humans I'm just curious
How the hell are we racist ? Seriously .. I love other races that's what makes this world so interesting I'm white n not racist at all ...
We're racist. We're crackheads. We're all white trash.

You asked for stereotypes. We're not all racist. It's just a stereotype.
Stereotypes against races are created by those from a different race then the subject of said stereotype. They say we are racist because we are so awesome in every way that they can't think of another one. which in itself is a racist comment although true. Anyway they dont want us to succeed so they call us racist then we feel guilty if we do well in life and they dont. To make us give them things they cause us to feel guilty about how much we have created and how we don't share the fruits of our labor with them. Like how whites invented pretty much everything but peanut butter but blacks dont do well in college because of us somehow.