poll: in class y does evrybody laugh when the teacher says..........?

Yeah I know! I'm in middle school and we were in one of our classes that is pretty much like a language class and we were learning Latin, and the number 6 in Latin is sex and there's a few kids who laugh (and there's not that many kids in the class b/c we had to take a test to see who would get into the class.) It is immature.
I hate that. Just like in my physiology class and my anatomy class when the teacher says vagina or penis everyone laughs. Seriously if your that immature you shouldn't be in these classes.
because the immature little kids and they need to understand that one day they will do it too so why laugh it's apart of life
Yeah, I understand. It feels really awkward, and I guess immature people laugh or something.
i know it is sooooo annoying. but i cant talk. i think it is funny when people completely embarrass them selve and the word uranus LOL
Cause a lot of students aren't used to that, so instead of having a red blushed face their reaction is laughing with other students that either really thinks it's funny or they're just retarded
ahahahah children are retards.
so is my school. im language arts, the teacher said "I have come" and everyone laughed. lol.
then one time she spelled it out: "s-e-x ed" and she said again "sexual education". thats all i heard come out of kids mouths after that class.
nothing much you can do hun, but oh well.