Poll: How honest are you to strangers online?


Apr 20, 2008
You have to either answer honestly or say skip if you don't want to tell the truth. It's just to see how honest you are willing to be to people who will never meet you or talk to you.

Most embarrassing moment of your life...
Most immature tendency when you are alone...
Grossest thing you do when nobody is looking...
Mean things you think about people but never say...
Something you have never told anybody ever...
Prejudices you hold about certain people or actions...
I'm completely honest online. I only lie or don't tell the truth to people in real life.

1. Too long to tell.
2. I have no idea.
3. Uh, masturbate or pick my nose from time to time? I don't know.
4. It depends.
5. don't know.
6. None.

These questions are too vague and hard to answer. Sorry bro.
I can tell you right now I'm not very honest. Just because you can't tell who you're talking to, and our world is sick.

Skip because I honestly don't know.
Just start laughing because I think of something funny
I don't know
What an as*hole
I dreamed I was having my second abortion. I don't even believe in it... and I was 18 in my dream.
Not really a prejudice, but I automatically dislike people who act like they think they're better than other people, and I have to kind of make myself unfeel that way which can be tough.
I'm honest, but that doesn't mean I'm open!

Most embarrassing moment? The moment I read this question every embarrassing moment in my head just disappeared.

You know what, this is too much. You could of at least number and gapped the questions..