Poland select 18 old ladies to perform their official Euro 2012 song


Jun 17, 2007
The bar for European Championships theme songs was set extraordinarily low with Shaggy's Euro 2008 anthem 'Like a Superstar', which is good news for Poland and their Euro 2012 ditty 'Koko Euro Spoko'.

The Poles were given the right to choose their Euro 2012 song on an X Factor-style TV show on Wednesday night. Pop groups, ska bands and a rapper were beaten by Jarzebina — Polish for rowanberry — an 18-member ensemble of heavyset Polish women in traditional rural dress.

Some Polish football fans have reacted angrily online, suggesting the "kitschy" and "embarrassing" song might have won the competition through some sort of vote sabotage. Even the staunchest of Jarzebina critics, however, will have to admit the chorus is pretty infectious.

Of course, this is merely Poland's official song for the tournament, and has nothing to do with co-hosts Ukraine. The official UEFA Euro 2012 song for the tournament is 'Endless Summer' by "German-American pop sensation" Oceana. You're going to hear a lot of this one in June...