Please Vote.

Well Done America. I think the best choice you had was taken. Hopefully the Republicans finally learn that the party extremists are ruining their chance at the presidency. The alarmist rhetoric they're forced to spout to get support is turning off the electorate. Time for some hard thinking in the GOP and stop putting religious fanaticism above serving the people of America.

The Bear.
Well thank Flying Spaghetti Monster for that! People on my Facebook were saying if Romney got elected, they would take bets on how long it took to get himself assassinated.
Yes the evil medicare camps where people are given healthcare so they can live happy lives!!

Where commie taxes are collected and children are forced into schools where they are actually educated.

Books with scientific facts are even put in libraries instead of being burned as they should.

Where whorish women have control of their reproductive cycle.

All these terrors now await you!!!!!

The Bear.
Warren wins...Akin loses...Mourdock loses...

It's a good morning to be a sane human being.

Congratulations America.
Glad to see those idiots that said a woman that had been "legitimately raped" couldn't get pregnant lost.
*Faith in people restored....a bit*
I hadn't followed the US elections very closely, but it's been all over the wireless this morning, so I couldn't help but hear all about it.

I must say that until now I hadn't realised just how bonkers Romney actually is. It sounds like he really wanted to provoke conflict with Iran, Russia and China. Even if it was just election hot air, the fact that he's saying it and (presumably) there are people who want to hear that sort of drivel is a bit worrying.

Surely the USA has enough pressing problems at home without having to try to stir up further conflict abroad? Or is it just the old ploy of trying to distract the population by getting them to focus on a 'common enemy'? Either way, pissing off China probably isn't a very good idea.
So really nothing has changed. The control has not shifted in any way.

Does anyone here believe the Republicans in the house are going to move to the left or Obama is going to move to the right? It’s called gridlock.
One thing that struck me once again when I saw a US election item on the news yesterday evening was the sight of people QUEUEING to vote. And I mean LONG queues.

I've never queued to vote in all my adult life. Over here you just walk in, vote, and walk out again. (I know there were people left outside queueing in Sheffield at the last general election, but that's only because they were all gormless enough to rock up at the last minute thinking that no-one else would do the same thing.)

On the one hand it suggests that maybe the US doesn't provide nearly enough polling stations, but on the other hand I think it's admirable that people there are prepared to make that much effort to excercise their right to vote. Over here, most people just wouldn't bother.
Well, Obama has won.
Well done?! Romney almost won! "The trees are the right height," guy almost won. And this was after Captain Makes Up A Language was president four years ago. My country is doomed. DOOMED I say!
Wanna come to Canada? It has nice views, decent people, and it's pretty empty up here.

Like....really empty.

....Please come....
Or went up against a Sicilian, when death was on the lines.

A carrot to anyone who gets the quote.

I'd love to - sadly I don't believe I qualify.

I think saying that Americans 'speak' English is a bit of a stretch. Butcher maybe?

Now the Welsh, and Canadians, I can only describe what they do as sensuously caressing the language.
As a Brit sitting in Virginia, I'm going to tread lightly on that one. I'm sure that, after 31 years, I'm a linguistic mutant without much right to bag on either one.
Or went up against a Sicilian, when death was on the lines.

A carrot to anyone who gets the quote.QUOTE]

The Princess Bride, no?

I honestly thought it would be much closer. I think it does illustrate that you need a candidate for president that the voting public can support because of who he is, not because they don't care for the other guy. I don't think Mitt Romney was that guy. He did better than I thought he would about five months back.