Please! I need immediate answers! Samsung Galaxy 3 withou phone and txt


May 14, 2008
unless wifi, or iTouch 5th generation? OMG! It's my b-day, and my dad wants to get me either a Samsung Galaxy 3 without a phone and texting unless there is wifi, or a iPod Touch, 5th generation, blue! or pink. So, please, give me your opinions. What are the pros to have a samsung Galaxy, or an iPod Touch? What is the cons to smasung Galaxy and iPod Touch? So overall, you guys vote. Just answer me Samsung Galaxy or iPod Touch. Either one, my choice is in YOUR hands! Thanks!
Samsung Galaxy because it has removable memory. You can put a 64 GB memory card in it if you want. You cant do that with an ipod. Also it has a bigger screen.
iPod touch 5g(blue) if your not gonna be able to call with the gs3 unless you have wifi, then you might as well just get the iPod because you can also call and text if you have wifi. I also prefer apple better than android.
If you ain't gonna get calling or texting or Internet. And your basically stuck with a "android pod" and you need wifi. I say 5th gen