please help! math riddles!?


Aug 8, 2008
1.midge lives on the twelfth floor of a modern elevator apartment building.whenever she gets into the automatic elevator on the ground floor,and no one else is in the elevator,she pushes the button for floor 6,gets off the sixth floor and walks up the stairway to the twelfth floor.she would much prefer to rid the elevator all the way up to her floor.why does she do this?
2.mrs.funblefinger was working in the kitchen when a loose ring,with a big diamond on it,slipped off her finger and fell smack into some coffee.strange to say,the diamond did not get wet,why? sloppy joe's restaurant a customer was shocked to find a fly in his coffee.he sent the waiter back for a fresh cup.after his first sip,the customer pounded on the table and shouted:"this is the same cup of coffee i had before" how could he tell?
1. the midget can only reach to the button for the 6th floor

2. the coffee was not a liquid, only beans or powder

3. they left the fly inside
midge is a midget
the cofee doesn't have any milk or water added to it yet
the customer had already put sugar in his coffee before the waiter took it away and when he got it back he could taste the sugar so he knew that it was the same one
1. Midge is a midget she can only reach up to the button to sixth floor

2. They are coffee beans not the drink

3. Because the fly is not removed?
Dont know number one...

2. is because the coffee hasnt been brewed yet (its just the dry powder)

3. is because the fly was still in the coffee.