please edit and review my introduction paragraph?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
A wallet, or purse for some people, is a precious item in which most people carry things more essential than money towards everyday life. I like to call it a portable safe; to lose that portable safe, daily activities for one may be offset for the rest of the day. Along with being offset, emotions arise such as being depressed or aggregated. Items of such great sentimental value could have been in that wallet or purse. One wouldn’t be able to let go of such feelings for a long time, possibly until they find their belongings in which case they are filled with relief. This person could stay hold these feelings for a long time, until they find their belongings by which case they are filled with joy. I, personally, keep anything I may have interest in knowing where it is, in my purse
I am very good about always having my purse with me and never losing it - until recently.