Personality quizzes about being emo?


New member
May 25, 2013
I have taken 10 different personality quizzes about poser and I thought if I was a poser to anything it would be scene but every single one said I was the real deal emo so I took 3 of them again and they said the same thing. Should I believe what it says? I do answer correctly with what I believe but My hair is like a scene emo mix and I do dress emo most of the times and sometimes on my lazy days I look more scene so what do I do?
Are you always emotional? Do you cut? Is your life just a dark ugly shadow? If so yeah you might be emo.

If you just look like one then no your not actually emo.
This is so stupid....
All those personality quizzes are trash. They're not true! If you think you're emo or scene, why do you need a personality quiz to determine what you are? The quizzes you are taking are probably unproven, just like almost every internet quiz.

"Should I believe what it says?"
My answer: NO!
You are whoever you want to be..a quiz shouldn't be able to tell what you are or not.
Why do you care about what other people think? Being 'emo' isn't a bad thing.

As for what you should do. I think you should just be who are. If you don't want to be considered emo change. If your happy with who you are stay the same.