people have been saying my brother is schizophrenic when he's not. How to handle


Aug 13, 2008
untrue gossip? My brother is very shy and after his twin brother was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia aged 17 he was sent to a psychiatrist to see how it has affect him. The psychiatrist said there were no signs of schizophrenia but put him on preventive medication until the age of 25 (he's now 24). He is shy but certainly in touch with reality and atill no signs of schizophrenia. Well it seem his wife, whom he married a year ago has been telling people that he is on anti psycotic medication (which he is not she just doesnt understand the medication he is on) or that people are exagerrating. But my tweo best friends were stopped by the local pastor in our area and the first thing she said was isn't it awful how her brother has schizophrenia. Now she does not know either of them and she was next to a large group of people when she spoke so even if it was true it shows she is an awful person. They were not going to tell me but did after a while and told me they do not believe it for a second. Anyone who knows my brother knows it's not true but those that dont might. I guess it doesnt matter what others think of you but it just makes me so sad and angry because we had (i speak in past tense as my other brother died aged 18) a sibling with schizophrenia and it is such a serious deasease that to say someone has it is so evil and an insult to all those who suffer unimaginable torture everyday because of it. I feel so sorry for my brother and angry too. How can I try and forget about it? The woman that said it is disliked by many and is morbidly obese so maybe has issues herself!
I would tell you to ignore them but this is really upsetting. You could explain it everytime someone says that, or interrupt them, or shout it above their voices.