People are unfollowing me on twitter!!!?


May 13, 2008
Hi, I have like 51 followers and when someone follows me it becomes 52 but then the next day it becomes 51 again and I've even counted them and it goes down to 51 and this happens every single time, it's like someone doesn't want be to have more than 51 followers and its getting really annoying. If I gain like 3 more followers, the next day my followers will go down to 51, it's getting really frustrating. What can I do?!
Lol its not a big problem you know. Listen there is this site named unfollower which shows you who you recently unfollowed n visa vera . Its quick and easy, just sign in with your twitter account. And don't worry its reliable and confidential as well. :)

This is the link
Hmm, you should if you post 3 or more tweets a day your followers are getting annoyed, just keep it to 1-2 posts a day and only post important things, like " it's my birthday"
is you privacy on followers only? If so it's possible that people just follow you just to see your pics then unfollow you because they have already seen your pics