PDA..... what do you think?


New member
Nov 16, 2008
Public Displays of Affection....

I'm interested to see what people think about this.

Do you kiss members of the same sex in public? I'm not talking about a full-on kiss - just a little kiss on the lips. For example, at a train station, or in the street, or at a non-gay-orientated bar?

Do you think it is acceptable for gay people to kiss in public, or do you think it's best avoided? Are you gay yourself?

I'm bisexual and in all honesty, I really don't mind if people kiss each other a little in public. Two guys, two girls, a girl and a guy. It doesn't bother me. I kiss my girlfriend in public just like I would kiss a boyfriend. But I do wonder - should we not kiss in public because other people don't need to see it; or should we do whatever we want to do?


xx Sparklepop
i don't really care. as long as they're not sucking each other's face off, i'll just be glad they found somebody that likes them enough to show the world!
Minor pda's...like holding hands, hugs/small kisses (not 10 min slober fests)...are fine. But I don't like seeing anyone, gay or straight, making out/groping each other in public and would not do it myself. It has nothing to do with my sexual orientation, I just think it is a bit tacky to go overboard with pda's : )
if we're at the bar, then we'll hold hands or give each other little kisses. no tongue or anything, just sweet & simple.
I have no problem with minor displays of affection.

In fact, I find them quietly reassuring.

But I have very serious problems with excessive displays of downright vulgar behaviour.

It's not about the genders involved, either.

It's about people acting like barnyard animals in public (then complaining when they get hurt for doing it).

I mean, if we should all be allowed to do what we want, we should be able to put the boot in to public face-suckers, right?

That said, and in my own experience, LGBT people actually tend to behave much more politely in this department than heterosexuals.

I find younger heterosexuals are the worst offenders..

Stupid little animals.
other than all out tear off the clothes sex i say go for it. but if ya'll throw off the clothes and go for it well....please alert us all. good entertainment is hard to find and Lword is going away!!!!!
I have no problem with minor displays of affection.

In fact, I find them quietly reassuring.

But I have very serious problems with excessive displays of downright vulgar behaviour.

It's not about the genders involved, either.

It's about people acting like barnyard animals in public (then complaining when they get hurt for doing it).

I mean, if we should all be allowed to do what we want, we should be able to put the boot in to public face-suckers, right?

That said, and in my own experience, LGBT people actually tend to behave much more politely in this department than heterosexuals.

I find younger heterosexuals are the worst offenders..

Stupid little animals.
I do the same with my gf as any str8 couple that loves each other. We hold hands and hug and give each other small kisses hello or goodbye. If others don't like it, they're free to look away. I will not restrain myself because of someone else's bigotry.
I can live with PDA....but not going overboard with it. I don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend so this will be from an outsider lol

Kissing in public? As long as your not all ove the person yeah but if you're all over each othe like your ready to do it then and there, then no....that means to get a room.

Gay people are just as normal as everyone else in this world. They have the same rights as everybody so they should have the same things that apply to PDA....kissing, hugging and holding hands....you see straight people doing it all the time, we're created equal not differently.

Love is love, and affection is affection. Thats the part of our sexual nature, flaunting it around....I completely agree with PDA,...but just not alot of it.
i've never actually kissed anyone in public, except my next door neighbor when i was like 3, on the street with no one else around.

i think its acceptable for anyone to kiss in public, provided they don't get too friendly and start removing clothing. i am lesbian.