PDA net for Iphone 4 (please read all before answering)?


May 17, 2008
Currently I am on ios 6.0 so my jailbreak is teathered so I cant reboot my device to activate wireless hotspot

My room is on the other side of the house as the wireless router and I do not want to run a cable all the way across.

My iphone gets full if not close to full connection to the wifi but unfortunatley my xbox 360 only gets 2 bars at best. I have tried moving the xbox everywhere in my room and the spot I have it now it can hold 2 bars but that in not enough to play a multiplayer games because it laggs a lot.

I got a new phone so my iphone 4 just sits there so I jailbroke, connected it to my wifi and and now am using pdanet usb teather to get internet on my desktop.

I have a few extra routers at my disposal
The brodcast router is a
2WIRE HGV 3600

Laying around I have a

2WIRE HomePort 1000HW

2WIRE 2701HG-B

My question is;
is there any way to use the internet my desktop is getting from PDAnet and send it throught the desktop to a wireless router to brodcast it in my room

so the internet map would look like this

Brodcasting router => Iphone 4 w pdanet => desktop => wireless router in my room connected with a short ethernet cable => strong signal in my room

Im on windows XP