Papercut support group

The only thing worser than a papercut is a papercut in the little joiny bit between your fingers.
Stepping on a half eaten steak bone that you gave the dog hurts more then a lego : P.

I have to say though that the worst thing that could happen to you, more painful then the dreaded paper cut would be a nail *****ing your finger. I hate reaching into my work pouch (I hang sheetrock) to hurry and grab a screw/nail and have one of em' poke into my finger! It sucks really bad.

/me curls up in a corner and rocks back and forth.
Poor Sparkle...

I stepped on a bee last night (accident, I swear!) and my foot felt like it was on fire. My foot went into a muscle spasm and it took a few hours for the pain to stop...bee stings suck!

But paper cuts are still worse.
I used to work in a supermarket warehouse and I was up on the shelves moving boxes around when the gaffer shouted 'be careful'. No sooner than he did I slit my hand open on a cardboard box.

However, threading on lego and upturned plugs might be painful but let me regale you with a story that happened to me when I was young and stupid...

At university I was in my room, bored and swinging my nunchucks around. I accidentally smashed the light blub and was plunged into complete darkness. No bad thing I hear you cry, but wait, I was bare foot...

What was I to do? I was barefoot, surrounded by broken glass and in darkness. I had no choice but to wade across to the door and out into the light. I spent the rest of the night picking out glass from my feet.

*Note: Don't try this at home kids*
Wow. Well. Just... Wow.

Or if not. For litigation reasons. People sue for all sorts of reasons all the time these days. I wouldn't be surprised if someone sues for a papercut eventually (if it hasn't already happened).
Standing on lego hurts, but thats nothing compared to pain of coming home from a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day at work, opening the fridge... and discovering you HAVE NO BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stepped on a nail once, I was about 4 or 5.

Showing my geeky side for a minute... four-sided dice are about as bad as Legos.