Pakistani rape law slowly catches up with 21st Century

Funny how people go all uber-religious when it comes to giving women more rights but their religiosity slips when it comes to...well... not gang-raping women!

(moose gets off soapbox and removes dungarees)
Rape and sexual assault are global problems as to whether Pakistan is any better or worse than other countries in this matter I have no idea.

Here are some stats for Sexual Assault in America,
I'm not sure if this is true of this statistic, but I believe quite a lot of sexual assault statistics include things like an unwanted pinch on the bum or a somewhat too long brush past the breast. Although this is unacceptable behaviour, the statistic is often left ambiguously described to give the impression that by sexual assault they mean "rape".
Awesome how you try and excuse a legal system utterly unsupportive of rape victims by pointing out that rapes also happen elsewhere.

There's no part of that that doesn't say "We're living in the Dark Ages"

Still, well done to them for instigating reform.
So tell me what rape statistics in the USA have to do with changes to Pakistani rape legislation?

Rape may be a global problem... a rape victim requiring 4 male witnesses to prove she isn't guilty of adultery is certainly not.
I kind of agree with Sankaku's point... this thread wasn't intended to be about the number of rapes in Pakistan (rape being a universal issue), but the Pakistani judicial treatment of rape cases, which is horrifying...

Of course, that aspect of the legal view on rape in Pakistan would indeed have vastly affected the level of actual rape vs. those reported...
There are those that support Sharia law and those that dont, I'm not sure that all muslim countries implement it in the same way. I'm not a fan personaly as how can man know what God wants ?

As for unreported rapes, given that 4 male witnesses were required and the danger of being found guilty of adultery is obviously a major deterant to anyone reporting a rape in Pakistan. As far as I know the punishment for adultery is to be stoned to death and I'm not talking ganja.

But given the nature of rape many rapes still go unreported in the west.,000500020000.htm

Honestly... tell me what on earth would make thousands of people protest this change in Pakistani law?