
Yes training was cancelled!
Artice, having working with professional football teams, I'm amazed that no one has ever come up with that, how could they have missed it?!

Joey is not a God, he's just really really really really good. Newcastle doesn't win because a good defence can quite easily lock down single or double playmakers.
NSW wins with Joey because they have about 4 other options to go to when Joey get's monstered.

(sorry artice, not digging to hard, just in a funny mood)
What ever happened to the scrum??? The way they feed the ball now they may as well just have a tap. I remember when I played if you wanted to win the ball you had to have the brute strength, a good hooker, preferably with a good head but,
oops NSW just went over again. 14 nil
Well played NSW, well deserved, and yes Knight I owe you a carton of piss
k, now I need a serious drink.
wait, I already had that.
comprehensive flogging. Matt King is a freaking gun.

I gotta say, are there any fans that think Braith Anasta is Origin level? I agree he's handy, but he seems so average. I really think he's a waste of selection. But Gus pretty much wants to take him home for some sweet intimacy....
I watched the game, was pretty good but a bit too one sided for the neutral like my British self! I just love that commentator who never shuts up! (Channel 9 I think he's from) The coverage of the Aussie games is a lot better than the coverage over here, much more entertaining and the Aussie slang cracks me up!

Well done NSW even though your kit is a girly colour that wouldnt pass the sweat test for a night out!


What the hell happened to QLD, it was like watching a proffesional side play a saturday kids team.

King, and Joey, Menzies, Kennedy we got sooo many good players.

And who was the QLD [insert swearing] that jugular slapped Kennedy, and then tried to lift him up like a bag of potatoes. THEN stole the ball off him. Come on, where was the sports manship.

All in all was a great result, and yes Badger you owe me a slab mate . I just wish the game had been more close. Guess I can just laugh at the slaughtering we gave you guys!

Now I've got the worst hangover.

I like that Nutley guy, the way he just runs into the NSW defenders about twice the size of him with complete disregard to his body.

Congrats NSW
Cheers mate. Glad you guys have some sportsmanship.

Unlike the marones. I was shocked at how badly they were fouling by the end of it.

I'f I ever see Crocker on the street, im going to floor him.

Better luck next year guys, I'll be at the last game if anyone feels like coming.
i wouldnt advise that one mate, I had a run in with one of the Wigan Warriors who took a liking to my then girlfriend. I could of handled him, it was just that hid team mates arrived and they are like buses they arrive in threes!! And they look a lot bigger 6" away than on the tele or on the pitch from the stands!!!
Mate, we NSWmen aint small either.

Final will be played in NSW next year, good luck to any QLDers that want to have a go there.
crocker is a bit of a loose cannon... Who was it that picked Kennedy up afterwards? I thought Crocker's hit was just a stupid mistake, but the guy draggin him up by the jersey was pretty dumb. Kennedys a soldier, he doesn't stay down unless he's hurt.
Corcker otherwise had a blinder. So much for Tony Carrol having an impact on Johns, Corcker was the only maroon with any effect of him.
Couldnt see who picked him up, but whoever tried to take the ball off him deserves a good beating aswell.

Crocker played well? I dont agree with that. Only addition to the game I saw him make was trying to start a fight with Kennedy and some other guy.

I hope he gets snapped next time he comes to NSW!
Dude, he tagged Johns ALL night. And he did it well. Johns wasn't the singular game-breaker, it came more from the outside men and Buderus in my opinion. Thus, Crocker did his job well. It was in other areas that we lost.