Open letter to the people from the West?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I am from Palestine. My family lives there for almost 1000 years. But I am NOT a Palestinian. I am Arab. My native language is Arabic, my family came to Palestine from Arabia, all our culture, traditions and cuisine are Arabic, my land of origin is Arabia.
What "Palstinans", by God?
Palestinians are Jews and Israelis, not Arabs.And I am Arab-and proud of it.Why should I pass for something I am not?Just to get a couple of lousy bucks from America?
Ancient Philstines were from Greece and Creete, they spoke language which was not semitic, they were not semitic people,and they were uncircumcised.
We the Arabs conquered Palestine, it´s a fact nobody can´t deny. And of course, we know it.We do not recognize this when talking to Jews and people from the Western countries, but when we talk among ourselves, it would not occur to anybody to deny this fact if he does not want to be mocked even by women and children.
If the West stopped putting its long nose in the Middle East problems and told honestly ":guys, settle you problems with Israel, they are the true Palestinians and you are Arabs” -we should have already had the conflict settled. But the West, for some unknown reason, thinks it knows how to solve the conflict between two Middle Eastern peoples better than these two peoples, and stubbornly tries to solve it with its primitive straight Western logic. Every time its plans fail-but every time the West invents something else,some idiotic "Road Map","two state solution",Three-steps initiative", "four-staged solution"...
Why don´t you want to leave us alone? Without your "plans" and "solutions" and without your pseudo-humanistic help to Hamas and other terrorist groups to whom you send hundreds of millions dollars which do not reach the common people but practically ALL are directed to arms purchasing , and dozen of thousands of goods as "humanitarian aid" which these terrorist groups immediately sell at the black market and again direct the money they get to arms purchasing - Hamas would have already ceased to exist, there would be no money to buy rockets to shoot on Israelis, there would be no counter-strikes by Israelis - and we should have already be sitting at the negotiation table with Israel and should have already found the solution.
Stop support Hamas and Fatah, damn you!Your abstract pseudo-humanism has the result of more very concrete dead bodes on both sides, and we the Arabs lose 9 for every single Israeli we kill. This is what your “help” costs us. We understand that you are doing this of good intentions. But do you remember what is paved with good intentions? Correct, the road to Hell.Doesn´t it seem strange to you that we do not like you,inspite of all your help and attempts to solve the conflict?You think we are ungrateful, right? No, we are not ungrateful. Simply your help costs us too dear.
Israel would be happy to stop the conflict, she does not need land because she simply has no people to develop it. Why, do you think, Israel did not occupy
Syria in 1967 or 1973,but instead-a winner-offered peace to the defeated? Because Israel has quite enough land for its small population, and knows very well that she will not hold more if she occupies it.
Don´t you have your own problems to solve? Looks like you have quit a lot. So, solve the problems in YOUR house and let the people with different mentality which you do not understand solve the problems in theirs.
Agreed ... So how do we actually stop the western governments from interfering with the Middle East ?