On suboxone and wanting to quit smoking..help!?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I have been on Suboxone for 3 months now and am finally down to one strip a day. I've been doin great so far and ive only got about 5 months left but ive noticed that im way more tired and achy now than when I first started. Is this normal?
Also, ive smoked almost a pack a day for the past year or so (opiates and cigs tend to go hand in hand) and I feel like if I can quit it will be easier for me to get out there and start running and get back to the healthy active me I was before I started abusing painkillers. However, every time I try to quit cold turkey I notice that I start sweating, shaking, become very irritated and even get to the point where I start craving painers. I haven't relapsed once and I don't plan on doing it but I don't even want the thought to cross my mind...BUT, I feel like smoking is another reason I'm so tired n crappy feeling alll the time.
Should I taper off? Get the gum? Chance cold turkey? Help!!!
Smoking and medication (including suboxone and painkillers) deplete nutrition and a deficiency in iron and vitamin B12 causes tiredness... seriously, google to see for yourself! you can always get your nutrient levels checked up by the doctor/nurse. they will take a blood test to see if you're low in any of them.
Suboxone is awesome when it comes to quitting drugs. There are people that tell me they only have to take one a day. They don't need the anymore that day. Smoking is a problem for every addict. This will take a lot of will power. If you can get through those first two weeks without cigarettes you will have it all licked. Just lay them down and try the new Sinus that is out. There are a lot of people I know that say it has helped them quit.