Nov 11, Veterans/Remembrance Day.


Feb 27, 2008
I'm a history major and I love this day. One of my faves.

One of my MA friends from another forum showed me this song by Terry Kelly about showing respect to our veterans. Song made me cry.

A Pittance of Time

YouTube - Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time (Official Version)


Where have all the flowers gone? by Pete Seeger. Just as pretty.

YouTube - Pete Seeger: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Lest We Forget.
Ah I was going to link that

Its a good day, hopefully college'll do the silence. Was awkward trying to do it last year in the middle of a lesson
I'm surprised they didn't do it. Or at least allow those who wanted to to do it. It's only two minutes. When I was in school we had a special assembly for it. In college I don't think anyone gave much of a rat's ass :/ Then again I didn't until last year.
I always followed what Terry Kelly said in that song 'Don't be like that dad' I did it every year on NOV 11. I did a history major at university and know through a lot of books and documentaries and so on what life must have been like for them and what they gave up for us.


As much as I couldn't stand how Evil Sandan had treated me......

He is the son of a WWII veteran.

About an hour ago I broke my no contact action with him and I sent him that song 'A Pittance of Time' in respect to his dad. In the subject line I wrote something like 'In respect to your father'

I set aside my personal feelings towards him to respect all veterans, of which his dad is one. I believe honoring veterans is much more important than my feelings.

After all, if it wasnt for people like that, people of our generation probably wouldnt be here to have any feelings.
Showed my kids at school a video of soldiers coming home. They responded really well to it, so I then mentioned about the ones that don't make it home. The two minutes silence was really worthy after that.
Sometimes teenagers need to be taught how to care about others for a change
Happy veterans day... A famous poem about the warriors who fought and served.
Because of the VETERAN
Who salutes the Flag,
Who serves under the Flag,
We are Free in America!

It is the VETERAN,
Not the preacher,
Who has given us,
Freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN,
Not the reporter,
Who has given us,
Freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN,
Not the poet,
Who has given us,
Freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN,
Not the campus organizer,
Who has given us,
Freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN,
Not the lawyer,
Who has given us,
The right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN,
Not the politician,
Who has given us,
The right to vote.

Be Proud of our Veterans and when you see one thank them for all the things we have here in America. Be Proud and thank all our Military Members that are now serving our country so we can stay Free plus helping to make others Free.
I think more young people are realising why we still remember on Armistice and Remembrance Days as their friends serve in Afghanistan and some fail to come back. The point of the days is hitting home with the new generations.

YouTube - Over The Top Blackadder Goes Fourth Final Scene

We will remember them.
Was looking for this video this morning:

YouTube - British army tribute

Specifically 2:20 is something I always remember now, it was an operation in 2001 when troops had to leave a wounded comrade behind so the troops from his squad tied themselves to an apache to go out and get him back. Just incredible courage.

Definately, still a shame a lot of the people my age i know just don't care and it seems to have sunk out of the news but its nice to see its hitting home with the population in general. Great clip btw was a hell of a way to end the series.

Did a minute instead. Enough to recite the remembrance poem in any case.
I bought an old guys breakfast this morning who had on a Vietnam Veterans hat. He actually had tears in his eyes when he came over to ask me if I was the one. After thanking me profusely, I told him that I should be the one thanking him.

Terry Kelly's video was very moving. As the grandson of a WWI veteran, I remember my grandpa telling how excited all the americans were on their way to Europe, then when they met the Brits who had served, he had never been as scared of anything in his life. He would tell me that the boys were 18-19 years old but looked 40 after only a few months of was difficult for him to talk w/o choking up, even 70 years later...
WWI and WWII were very awesome back then, it was the bomb back then if you signed up, was very popular. They soon found out war isnt so romantic after all.....