Non-Christians - what happens after death?


May 15, 2008
What is your personal opinion on events after death? Reincarnation? Heaven? Nothing?
Futile as it is, I'd like to ask you not use this as an excuse to bash other beliefs. I just want to know your take on things.
I think, and hope, it is nothing. I wouldn't want to live an eternity anywhere, although I wouldn't mind living longer than 80-100 years. Anyone who claims to know with 100% certainty is ignorant and you shouldn't take them seriously.
you are dead totally, even in Christianity there is dead and then the Resurrection of souls to heaven or hell
Personally, I think it will be much like before you were born; the universe is there, and you're not in it. I have no reason to assume some magical component in humans surviving death. You cease to exist.