nokia 5530xm / samsung s8000jet / samsung omnia i900?


New member
Dec 18, 2009
hey, im having a hard time deciding among these phones.
the easy to use and lighter 5530xm
the advanced feautues of the s8000
the dated but very usable i900

im currently leaning towards the 5530 because of the compact size and user-friendliness.
the s8000jet seems good because its has a good camera and excellent screen, however, it seems like having such a huge phone with no real business capability except for doc viewing and no editing isnt that efficient. and lastly, the omnia seems like the best because its among the top phones, although it is dated already and people say that its pretty slow and unappealing.
yet they all stay near the same price categories. just differences of 50 dollars or so.

what do you people think? are there any flaws of major drawbacks of these products that you've heard off?