No coverage in my home, can I cancel my phone contract? (Telus)?


Apr 24, 2008
So about a year ago, I moved into a new house. The three of us in my family all got new phones from Telus on a new, 30 dollar/mo contract each. Our original plan was to not get a land line, but that fell through when it was discovered that most of the time our phones do not work in our house, or surrounding area. It's been a year into our three year contract, and we want to get out. Is my situation enough of a reason to have Telus waive the early cancellation fee? I'm pretty sure we'd still have to pay the remaining device balance, but if I can get out of this for free that would be great. Canada recently created a law that allows us to end all contracts for free after two years, but I'd rather not wait until July. Any help is appreciated.