Nightmares in my sleep?


May 30, 2008
One time, halfway through when I slept, I woke up, but I could not move my body at all. I could only open my eyes. Then I feel sounds coming out from nowhere. Can someone help me solve this nightmare?
To be perfectly honest, this is nothing to worry about. What you have experienced is called sleep paralysis. Everyone's body goes into sleep paralysis during REM sleep so that we don't physically act out our dreams. Normally this wears off before you wake up, but in your case, you may have been woken quickly or unexpectedly for some reason, and your body was still in paralysis.

The noises you heard were part of what is called hypnagogia - a state of consciousness that occurs between waking and sleeping. Look this up on wikipaedia, you will find it very interesting!

If it happens again, don't panic, it will wear off. Any weird or scary visions, noises, sensations or even smells you experience as part of hypnagogia will also disappear after a few minutes.
You've got a jinn interested in you. No doubt demonic, as nightmares such as this only come from the devil. He may be dwelling in your home and as in the dream, following you around. As you enter you home say "bismillah" which is Arabic for "in the name of God" Jinn and the such will not enter a home upon which the name of God has been mentioned. When you sleep say the same as well. There are other things that have to be taken into consideration to fully rid yourself of this presence. As Shane mentioned your fear can only boost the power of the spirit. Muster up any faith in God you can, the spirit will then fear you, as long as you mention the name of God. Shout "Allah" in your head as loudly as you can in the dream, even in your house. The jinn will flee.