New York high school makes emotional plea for special graduation speaker: Jeremy Lin


Jun 17, 2007
Linsanity may not be dominating the national airwaves as it did in February, but some in the tri-state area are still rabid for Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. None may have that special fever more than the senior class at New York (N.Y.) Stuyvesant High, which put together a fairly unbelievable seven minute-long YouTube musical tour-de-force begging the point guard to speak at their graduation.

That's right, the students at one of New York's most prestigious high schools decided that their time was best spent presenting a litany of reasons why Lin should stick around in Manhattan until June 25 to speak at a graduation for a school he has no ostensible tie to, and doing it all in clever if all-too-sincere musical fashion. Clearly, the Stuyvesant Class of '12 crew is fighting an uphill battle.

Still, don't count the plucky teens out yet! At least not until you've seen their video pleas. Led by class president Eric Han (yes, he's the fellow in the Stuyvesant Handball hood at the start of the video) practically every significant extracurricular group at the school makes its own private case for why Lin should make an appearance.

Even the renowned Stuyvesant debate and robotics teams call for the point guard to lead the school's graduation, shoring up the key public speech and scientific exploration demographic, a big help if those decision makers have any influence on getting Lin to show up at a high school graduation (unlikely).

Perhaps the two most persuasive cases in the video are delivered by an anonymous student who challenges Lin to a pickup game of one-on-one -- now you're speaking his language -- and the Christian fellowship group, which can play on Lin's devout faith to garner some support.

Will the clever video and its subsequent media attention actually convince Lin to speak at Stuyvesant? Who knows. Given Lin's Harvard background and Stuyvesant's excellent academic reputation (it sends it's own share of students to Lin's alma mater each year), anything is possible, even if a graduation speech at the point guard's own alma mater, Palo Alto (Calif.) High might be more likely, as suggested by Off the Bench.

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