Needing to vent. TTC 18 months now and starting clomid.?


New member
May 16, 2008
Today i have been very emotional. I try to stay cool most the time and be positive but sometimes it all just hits me. I start taking clomid in the next couple days and i really don't want to experience the side effects, but i am willing to do it for a baby. Today there was a bday party for my neice and i just felt so alone, with being the only one there without kids. All my brother and sisters have kids, no problems, plus they weren't even married. And now me even being married, i am having trouble. Then my mom says, "well this will prob be the only girl we will have to buy for" and my mom is sweet and i know she wasn't talking to me, but it was like a punch to the gut. Then my dad gotta love him says, wow i am a bit jealous because i can't be as big as you. I was like dad are you calling me fat again, cummon now i know im a little chunky, its not like i can't see it. And he is like no i mean tall, and im like ok i get it. Whatever. I know this is peedly stuff and much worse stuff is going on in the world thats way worse but like i said, i am a bit emotional anyways with the TTC and not being successful that everything just makes me cry. I guess my only question is do any of you ttc feel like it is never going to happen? Like you will never have a child? Emotional around your family that does have kids?
I am right there with you sweetie. This is my second cycle with clomid working with a fertility specialist. TTC for a year plus a couple of months before going to see the specialist. Everyone around is pregnant or having babies, cousins, my brother in law had two kids before they were married! I feel so alone because everyone else in my family were extremely fertile and I am the only one having trouble. My whole life it seems I have been told that I wouldn't have any trouble getting pregnant, well looky loo I am having tons. Last cycle (my first on clomid) I had 4 huge follicles 32mm, 27mm,26 and 25 on CD 12. This cycle I went for my US on day 14 with the biggest one being 13mm. So i figured i wouldnt ovulate, so me and hubby had sex day 16 of my cycle. My bloodwork on day 21 (progesterone level) showed I actually ovulated, not sure what day though. I was so mad at myself because we hadn't planned on me ovulating so the sex only happened once. I just feel so frustrated and left out because I can't just get pregnant like everyone else. You are not alone out there hun. It will happen just keep the faith and baby dance like crazy with your hubby. Best of luck and lots of sticky baby dust your way.