Need to rant about neighbor. Please make me feel better?


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I do work from home and my neighbour is really a pest. When her kids are screaming out the backyard I move to my front office to get away. Every other day she arrives home from somewhere and sits in her car with the kids and the engine running for half an hour (yes I am not kidding) whilst they sleep. The thing is I was happily leaving my window open and making calls to clients and checking things online but now all I can hear is the hum of her engine. I have shut the window and have some music on but I can still hear the engine. I can't move to the front room because I have no online connection Grrrr. Please help me to calm down. We are not even allowed to make noise out the front of our house because her kids go to bed at 5.00pm in the front room of her house. She is so selfish!!!!
Yes I know i am grumpy at the moment - non paying clients. But it is more with the neighbour. She thinks that she is better than us and her mother comes over everyday and practically snears at me when she sees me on my fabulous new deck (which she insulted before it was finished) and expensive bifold doors. Her daughter can't afford them. They also brag about their famous friends - who cares. I keep away from her, but she always manages to get in my face.
The best thing for you to do is take a 30 minute break from work and take a walk around the neighborhood. You're stressed and overreacting a little. Neighbors get on our nerves and every little thing seems big, but this isn't really. Use it as a time to mandate getting some exercise and taking a break!
you need to talk to her..she can not just think about her self and you will feel better knowing you did something about it. she wont change unless you voice your concern.. if she doesn't cooperate then why should you?

can you please answer mine?

you can just click on my profile pic and the last ques i have asked needs answered, thanks so much
Be glad you don't live next to me. I am a rock drummer and drag racer. Both of which I practice with all day and into the night.
Wow, really?? Engine humm bothering you? Ahh, should I turn off the bugs at night too or anything?? It's half an hour, just take a break and come back to work.
And yes, if you still have a problem go talk to her and see if you can work something out. Colaborate your schedules so she'll time when she runs her car at times you need absolute complete silence.
no. get over it, or move to a family free neighbourhood. grumpy and intolerant is what you are. imagine what she would say about you "that nasty woman next door, my kids can't even run around outside in the yard with out her b!tchin all over the net about it, I can practically FEEL her glaring daggers at me when my car is idling ou the front for a bit" . Ha Ha love them neighbours, we've all got em.