Need to painlessly poison and kill my neighbor's dogs?


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How do you even know hell exists you bible thumping bitch. you yourself could be living your life by a book that was all just made up. then who would be the idiot. animals fucking die everyday painful or not it happens so do humans its life fuck off pussy
Is it possible to feed the dog something that damages its vocal chords but does not kill it? That way the owner gets to keep the dog, you get your peace and quiet and there's far less chance of being targeted by the law.
Just a suggestion, I haven't (yet) tried this...

Recently I had to unblock a sink pipe and I used caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, NaOH). That stuff gets through organic matter like politicians get through taxpayers' money.

So, buy some caustic soda. It usually comes in small pellets. Just to be extra careful, transfer it into a DRY, generic container and lose the packaging some way from home.

Late one dark night, when it's just starting to rain, tip the caustic soda into your neighbour's garden. As soon as it makes contact with water, it'll start to dissolve, giving out a lot of heat and creating a very powerful alkaline solution. If doggy steps on it, its paws will start to burn so it'll do what's only natural and lick them. So it'll ingest the half-dissolved pellets which will react with its body fluids. Cue one deliciously fucked-up dog.

By the time the owner comes out to investigate, the rain will have dissolved most of the caustic soda, and there'll be no trace at all if/when the cops turn up later.

There may be flaws in this but it's looking good from where I'm sitting...
Just like in the movies, you could hire a hit man to take out the dog using a rifle equipped with a scope and silencer from a long distance. A sure way to quiet the little bastard.
Law on who's side ??

Yeah I know all about the law on my side what I'm really worried about is the crazy that owns the dog he's not above retaliation what a moron and his dog is worse. It was so peaceful around here until this jerk move in . now it's been nothing but a nightmare . him and his dog and Fat girlfriend. They got out the third time the other day and chase my wife and I into the house I videotaped it and animal control came out but they didn't want to see the tapes . they have to see it all themselves. So much for the law !!!
I'm not a faggot. I'm a nigger. Get your bigotry right. I bet you're a Christian.
When i find you i will fking slit ur stomach open and watch u slowly bleed out u murderous piece of slime
Animal cruelty laws are usually pretty light. Here is what you do:
Next time the dog(s) are on your property, catch it, and cut it's head off. Put the head on a long pole, higher than the fence these monsters jumped over, and leave it there. This is going to drive that piece of shit neighbor insane, and when he comes over to your home *AND* threatens you, you just "stand your ground" and shoot the fucking prick piece of shit in the face. FUCK HIM AND HIS DOGS AND FUCK ALL OF YOU "YOU'RE SICK DON'T HURT A DOG LOSERS"
There is quite a high noise-to-signal ratio in these 150+ pages. So for those seeking a summary, here is a summary of research. Here in India the dogs are like giant rats that live in misery, carry diseases, shit everywhere, and continually get into fights over territory. They are harmless to humans, but since they recently killed some baby livestock (cavies and rabbits), I decided it was time to find a "final solution". Unfortunately many Indians, seeing no problem with the slaughter of peaceful, sweet goats, nor being very offended by the Muslims' slaughter of their holy cows, treat dogs as if they are holy ("dog is god" they say), and feed them just enough rice so they stay alive. But dogs are carnivores, and due to such a malnourished diet lacking in meat, they become very prone to diseases (all of them are mangy with protruding ribs).

BTW, I am an animal lover, and love wildlife, which is one reason I dislike dogs, because they scare away the natural habitants of this ecosystem. (And killed 4 small baby livestock. With hundreds of baby birds on the way in the new incubators, these dirty mongrels must be put down, so that hundreds of birds can live. Not only birds for food, (to help eliminate the malnutrition of many humans, allowing children's brains to grow to their full potential {though I am not opposed to covert sterilization of the humans, but that's another story, and a task for the antichristians like the vaccine-mongers}, but also birds that will be released into the wild as part of a broad-spectrum campaign to restore the decimated post-apocalyptic environment here.) Another reason on dislikes dogs is because they are a perverse human creation, "as stupid as the frakking humans" with their constant barking, fighting, and territorialism. They are not natural creatures, but excessively bred (like modern wheat) to an unnatural state. There was a time in human history when dogs were humans' best companion, a time when dogs were beneficial and necessary, when we were violent tribal hunters, involved in life-and-death struggles with other predators and other warring tribes, but dogs are also expressions of all that is evil and unnatural about humans - their obsession with ownership of territory and constant combat and competition for limited resources.

First off, given the title of this thread, "need to painlessly kill", i'm surprised that no one suggested the use of opiates. Aren't there currently heroin dealers in all suburban neighbourhoods now? (thanks to the epidemic of doctors prescribing oxycodone which often leads to heroin abuse). Fentanyl would be the opiate of choice, given its potency, but may be difficult to find. However, one can easily find legal fentanyl analogs which can easily be purchased anonymously. (Try google, or check out the darkweb markets.)

For anyone who has compassion for the animal, while killing it out of necessity, an opiate should definitely be mixed into any poisonous cocktail. Not only will it prevent unnecessary suffering, it will also help depress the dogs' "immortal" immune system, allowing other poisons to work more effectively.

Together with, or in lieu of, opiates, one might also add some GHB or GBL, which may also be effective in knocking the dog unconscious, into a temporary coma, similarly eliminating suffering while depressing the canine immune system (or giving an opportunity for an easy abduction).

Unfortunately, it is due to the evils of Prohibition that effective painkillers are difficult to find, and doghunters are forced to resort to poisons that cause slow, painful deaths, like antifreeze.

(BTW, I also support the use of chloroform or ether to put livestock to sleep before butchering them, as a middle-way between the extremes of radical, often violent pacifistic veganism {just look at how the animal-rights extremists in this thread are ready to wish murder on humans}, and the extreme of cold-hearted cruelty of killing without compassion. For anyone who believes in continuity-of-consiousness (and I'll omit the scientific quantum theories of non-local consciousness), then prayers should also be said for the animal, along the lines of "thank you for offering me your flesh and your life. May I pay you back in the future {in whatever way I can, either feeding you, or helping you attain spiritual awakening}". Extremist animal-rights activists fail to reduce the suffering of animals because they take an extremist approach rather than trying to find a middle-ground, middle-way solution that the majority of natural omnivores (i.e., humans) would be willing to accept. Even cows eat bugs! And they like the taste! Pure veganism is natural only for insects and a very few niche animals, who tend to go extinct as soon as the climate changes and they lose their food source. And vegan animals tend to eat their own shit in order to meet their nutritional requirements. All primates eat insects daily.)

Back to dogs:
Next, it is odd that no one here has yet mentioned the Doghunters, a secretive, decentralized network of animal control volunteers, who help to maintain the safety on the streets by culling dangerous packs of wolf-dogs, in countries where the government fails to hire professional murderers like PETA and SPCA (frakking hypocrites), like Russia and Ukraine where the wolf-dog packs are quite dangerous and number up to 100's of 1000s.

Their poison of choice is isoniazid (300mg x 5 or 10 tabs) mixed into sausage. They call it a drug OD, rather than a poison, because it biodegrades cleanly, leaving no toxins behind to contaminate the environment. It is a medicine used to treat tuberculosis, but in dogs it causes death. They say that it first causes the dog's brain to shut down, eliminating suffering, although the dog tends to go into seizures that probably appear quite poisonous. What "they say" about may or may not be true - it's unlikely anyone has carried out proper trials. Does a crocodile feel pain when it is still twitching 2 hours after its head has been cut off?

That's my 0.02 coins. Here are some other options that one has collated from the interweb:

Fluorouracil anti-skin cancer (500mg)

acetominophen (“works well, 500mg per 20lb) ibuprofin 6000 mg

metoclopramide (is a veterinary anti-emetic, preventing the dog from vomiting out the poisons)

(suggestion: 10 tabs isoniazid + 1 tab metoclopramide)

boric acid


Two tablespoons of MSG on a piece of bread will kill a dog in a matter of minutes.

methomyl (carbamate pesticide) – soak meat (aka Lannate, Mesomile, Methomex, Nudrin )

or: carbofuran , Aldicarb , - 5 minutes

oleander, hemlock, tobacco extract, etc.

ethylene glycol

Castor (or extract, but be careful not to kill yourself with ricin)

fluoroacetate (pesticide) This drug is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, water-soluble chemical that is highly toxic to all mammals, most particularly dogs which are more susceptible than most other animals, with lethality occurring after consumption of less than 0.1 mg/kg

Blowdarts + dart frog poison / blowfish poison / ?cyanide, etc


Ether/chloroform - dogs' noses are too sensitive and they will resist coming near the smell, but if a doghunter can succeed in putting the dog to sleep with xanax / opiates / GBL or GHB, then some ether and a plastic bag will complete the task and the death will be peaceful and painless. Ether is quite volatile and will likely evaporate before any autopsy is conducted. One might soak a thick fabric bag in one of these etherous liquids, and tie it over the dog's head (after having gained its trust), so it cannot escape inhalation of the gas. This will be easier in colder weather, since these gases tend to evaporate quite quickly (boiling points of 35-40 degrees C or so).

I do not condone any of these actions, but if one must eliminate a pest, I would suggest using the above methods to reduce unnecessary suffering for the dogs and unnecessary karmas for the actor. Atheists and materialists, please replace the word "karma" with "heavy heart / conscience" or "developing predispositions towards cold-heartedness". Life and death is a cycle, and every second of our metabolism kills millions of microbes, but when engaging in any action, it is the motivation that determines the long-term effects on the actor's psychology, and perceptual habits.

(Materialists: Try killing 100 dogs in one day, and then dosing heavily on LSD and then tell me if you still disbelieve in karmic cause-and-effect. Compassion for the victim along with prayers offered, will reduce the negative heavy-heartedness, and help create positive energy. In the long run, it may even be a blessing for an animal to offer its flesh to a good-hearted human, for one day the debt will be repaid. One day, the killer may find hi/rself as an untrained dog.. would you rather be killed painlessly or by a slow, painful death? In the end, the Law of Balance always prevails, so do unto others.... But this is not the place to discuss the philosophy of the true nature of consciousness, not a mere epiphenomenon of matter but a fundamental quality of the zero-point field, or of Balance, Illusion, etc.)

Yeah, like burning my foot shortly after leaving out some MSG + peanut butter balls (we'll see tomorrow, it seems I couldn't wait for the synthetic opiates to arrive), or having dreams of bloody butcherings after leaving ratpoisoned food in the trashbin that the stupid dog keeps making a mess out of (didn't work) in the end everything gets equalized.

"And the dog came back, the very next day, oh
the dog came back, he just wouldn't stay awaaaayyyy... " (original tune is "cat" but i forgot all the other lines)
Oh, and I'd also recommend throwing boiling water over the dog and feeding it to the other dogs so that it does not go to waste, unless there are scavengers who will eat the dog raw. Killing for food creates less negative psychological dispositions than killing out of anger. Of course this only applies to those living in places where stray dogs are left unchecked, where the poor carnivores suffer disease because they are malnourished due to a lack of meat in their diets. Better to have a few healthy dogs than a large population of sick, starving, disease-bags.

If only the starving humans would simply eat the dogs, the problem would be solved. Soylent Green, anyone?
For fun. Someone may be inclined to adapt these lyrics to pen a new doghunters' themesong.
The Cat Came Back

"Old Mr. Johnson had problems of his own.
He had a little cat that just wouldn't leave his home.
He tried and he tried to give the cat away.
He gave it to a little man going far far away...

But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was goner
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.

He gave it to a little boy with a dollar note.
He told the boy to take the cat up river on a boat.
The boat turned over and was never found,
And now they drag the river for the little boy who drowned...

But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was goner
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.

The man around the corner said he'd shoot the cat on sight.
He loaded up his shotgun full of nails and dynamite.
He waited... and he waited... 'till the cat came walking round
And ninety-seven pieces of the man was all they found...

But the cat came back the very next day.
Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was goner
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away.

The H-bomb fell the very next day.
The A-bomb fell in the very same way.
Russia went! England went! And then the USA.
The entire human race was left without a chance to pray...
But the cat came back the very next day.

Yes, the cat came back. They thought he was gone,
But the cat came back. He just wouldn't stay away."

MSG balls didn't work. The strays don't recognize peanut butter. The small piece was gone but the two big ones not, and the ants had gotten at them.

I don't think I want the karma, I've got enough problems already, and I got over the disappearance of the cavies and bunnies. A fence would be easier. They don't bark much here unless there is an occasional territory dispute.

If anyone wants to develop a true "final solution to the stray dog problem" then it should not cost more than $50,000 (in India) to genetically engineer a dog that would only produce male offspring, effectively eradicating the feral canine population. That amount should be easy to crowd-fund.

While others go about bringing ptaerodactyls back to life, :hippie:

With a 14-year old genehacker on every corner of suburbia... millions of new species.

Perhaps someone can train the ptaerodactyl to eat dogmeat?
Obviously the "right" thing to do is ask your neighbour to keep the dog inside or train it to stop barking.

Unfortunately, the kind of selfish twat who lets a dog bark for hours is too last, stupid or malicious to comply.

So then you go to the police/council/animal control and find they really can't be bothered helping you in most cases. If you can afford a lawyer you might be able to frighten the stupid dog owner into submission but most of us can't afford that. So you decide to kill the dog but of course you can't as you've announced to the neighbour and the authorities that the dog's pissing you off.

That's why it's better to say nothing and kill the dog as soon as it becomes a problem. Trouble is that thanks to the animal lovers, antifreeze and rat poison are no longer attractive or harmful to dogs. You may be able to kill it by feeding it masses of macadamia nuts or sleeping tablets but the chances are someone will see you doing it and you'll end up being buggered by Big Bubba in the showers.

So what's to be done? Most of us can't get hold of cyanide or strychnine without arousing suspicion. The device that kills a dog by remote control is yet to be invented.

What's a victim of canine noise pollution to do?
Bloody spell check - second paragraph in the above post should be

Unfortunately, the kind of selfish twat who lets a dog bark for hours is too LAZY, stupid or malicious to comply.
Broken glass and nails pressed into a juicy steak should do it for big dogs, right?
Dogs that bark, bite or shit everywhere are vermin. People shouldn't be allowed to keep them in built up areas. I don't blame anyone who tries to kill a dog that's pissing them off.
Dogs are a fucking menace and are a lower species that humans, humans should have to suffer because of a cunt dog and the cunt owners not training them, people shouldn't have dogs as pets if they can't keep them from barking and shitting everywhere. Especially little yappy dogs, they are not even proper dogs, noisy little fuckers.... I just make a noose like the dog pounds use to catch dogs with, get it round the dogs neck and strangle the cunt till it dies, who can trace that? No one will bother with an autopsy on a fucking cunt dog and even if they did, who could prove you did it?
All you animal loving hippies can go fuck yourselves, if you so called 'peaceful tolerant' wankers experienced some of these people situations being tormented by a fucking noisy little cunt dog you might not be so quick to judge!
I am glad that some people actually have the ba_ls to give a real answer and for those people who have never suffered the harm stray animals can do to people, may they get their turn. People who own animals have the responsibility to keep them contained. Why should a person have to build a cage in his own backyard to protect his animals? The people who let their dogs run lose are the ones who should be responsible and I have seen it time and again. They just get angry and you and call you the bad ass if you ask them to control their animals. God gave man dominion over the animals, not the other way around. I have killed plenty of Ferrel dogs that were attacking my calves and even grown cattle at night time and I won't hesitate to do it again! You really have no idea the problem lose animals (especially dogs) can be. Those adorable pets are just like a pack of wolves when they run together and I even had a German shepherd attack me after I shot him through the lungs. Kill those nuisance animals and the owners deserve it if they don't keep them on a leash or behind bars!