NEED HELP?? Why are my teeth turning black!??!?


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I'm starting to freak out. I got my braces removed a year and a bit ago and the dentist gave me a retainer and everything's been fine until recently. A couple months ago I stopped brushing my teeth at night before bed. I don't really have a reason I just sort of got lazy. But I really regret it now. 2 of my back left teeth have started to turn black. There not that black just a bit from the top and side. But I'm really worried. However Im not completely sure why they turned black because before I got braces I only brushed once a day for all those years and not once did any of my teeth turn black but suddenly after my braces treatment is complete I stop brushing at night for a couple months and 2 of my teeth start turning black. Doesn't really make sense to me. Also I have gotten fillings a few times but that was quite a while ago, before I even got my braces. I don't want my teeth to get stuffed up again because I just went through years of treatment with braces just to straighten them up and now when they were finally good a year later I already ruined them :( I've been trying for the past week to get an appointment with the dentist but their always so busy and never pick up. Hopefully I'll go this week. I've already done some research and it just made me more worried, because now I know that my teeth might have to get pulled out :( and just after I got them straight and good after years of treatment. Can anyone please give advise on why this is happening as I still have yet to go to the dentist. Please help.