Nate Bell, A Arkansas State Lawmaker?

Apr 20, 2013
said this: I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine?

What does this idiot c0n want? Bystanders to get their semi-automatic guns and chase after the suspect. Let the police handle this.
Thomas, a shotgun or a hand gun should be enough and should be only used if the suspect attacks YOU or trespasses to your home
cops are mostly good dude. They were the ones that stopped and i don't believe most people would of done nothing, even if they had the AR-15
what one con says, they all say--like stepford wives

if a ya con ever met a real terrorist, they'd be pooping their pants running home to mommy
When law-abiding citizens are forced to stay in the homes behind locked doors because a suicide / bomber was roaming their streets after inflicting much pain, death, etc. - - what would you defend yourself with....a wooden spoon ?
Why should the police handle it? The cops are "pigs"..I learned that from my occupy buddies.

Besides, cops carry guns, and we all know that a guy with a gun isn't the answer to another guy with a gun. The anti-gun lobby told me so.

It would be really hypocritical of us liberals and lefties to want pigs with guns to function on our behalf wouldn't it?