Name the Atlanta Falcons? demonic new sandwich ? if you survive the experience


Jun 17, 2007

Look at that sandwich. Look at it. You can even sniff the screen if you want. We won't judge.

Pulled pork ... mac and cheese ... bacon, glorious bacon ... cole slaw ... onion rings ... a white bread bun. That rumbling sound is your stomach ... or perhaps your clogged arteries crying out for mercy.

This monstrosity is the product of the Atlanta Falcons, and will be served at Falcons training camp for a mere five dollars. SB Nation estimates this beast at over 1,000 calories and nearly a full day's worth of fat and sodium, which sounds about right.

At present, the Falcons don't have a name for this bad boy yet, but we're fairly sure you could come up with some good suggestions. Email us with your best ones.

The Unnamed Falcons Sandwich That Will Eat You fits in well with Atlanta's legacy of gastronomic destruction. For instance, there are the bowel-scouring chili burgers, chili dogs and onion rings of The Varsity:


Plus, there's the late, lamented hamdog (a hot dog wrapped in a beef patty and deep-fried) and the Luther Burger of the now-closed Mulligan's in Decatur, Ga. The Luther Burger is, of course, a bacon cheeseburger with a Krispy Kreme donut as a bun:


But the Unnamed Falcons Sandwich That Will Claim Your Soul still has a ways to go to catch the unquestioned champion of ridiculously overindulgent burgers in Atlanta. That would be the infamous Double Bypass Burger at The Vortex:


That burger there is a half-pound burger, six pieces of American cheese, eight slices of bacon and two fried eggs, served between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Sweet mother of heaven, that burger could play fullback for the Falcons this season.

Anyway, since food is an integral part of the football experience, please feel free to offer us up your best football-related food suggestions. Can your team top the Falcons' Sandwich That Shall Not Be Named? Go!