My WrestleMania 27 Match Predictions (Please Rate)?


May 21, 2008
Legend vs. Icon:
Undertaker vs. John Cena (heel)
(if the WWE had any sense they would make this match happen)

WWE Championship Match:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Chris Jericho (if he returns)
(The Miz cashes in on the winner)

Triple H vs. Wade Barrett
(I can see this match possibly happening)

World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Edge (c) vs. Drew McIntyre (I can see Drew getting a title shot soon)

Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
Rey Mysterio vs. John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston vs.
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Jack Swagger vs. Ted Dibiase vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Evan Bourne

Submission Match for the U.S. Championship:
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. CM Punk

Big Show vs. Sheamus

Diva's Championship Match:
Michelle McCool (c) vs. Lita (if she returns)

Nexus vs. Nexus Rejects 4 on 4:
Slater, Gabriel, McGillicutty & Harris (Nexus) vs. Otunga, Sheffield, Young & Tarver (Rejects)

Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian (wants revenge for Alberto injuring him)
Undertaker vs John Cena 10/10
Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho 9/10 Miz Cashes in 6/10
Triple H vs Wade Barrett 7.5/10
Edge vs Drew Mcintyre 8/10
Money in The Bank 9.5/10
Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk 10/10
Big Show vs Sheamus 8/10
Michelle McCool vs Lita 6/10
Nexus vs Nexus Rejects 7.5/10
Alberto Del Rio vs Christian 8/10

Awesome!! Wrestlemania Great!
looks good
and your right...if the WWE had any balls they would make the cana/taker match. could you imagine the buyrates if that would happen
Yes this is a Great Predictions but you missed 1 more prediction and that is Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar and The Money In The Back Match is confirmed of not happening at Wrestlemania because it has a PPV of its own and I think its going to be Wade Barrett vs John Cena for The WWE Championship (Wade Barrett will enter the Match as The WWE Champion) after John Cena wins the Royal Rumble and When Barrett won the Title at Survivor Series but John Cena will defeat Wade Barrett, and Lita is probably going to Return because she already did when Pee-Wee was the Quest Host of RAW