My woman or my girl?


Apr 8, 2008
Referring to your significant other as "my woman" was brought up in another thread as something that can be viewed as a sort of negative thing to say. Now obviously it can, but I don't generally think so and it's something common around the people I work with.

So I'm interested in what people think. Whether a woman calling her significant other her man or her boy, or a man calling his other his woman or girl.

I think as a man that calling your other "girl" is more disrespectful then anything. There is a difference between a girl and a woman and I find calling my little sweetheart "girl" has a tone of me looking down at her thus I call her "my woman."
The reason I don't like it is that it sounds possessive in a way that "my girlfriend" or "my wife" does not. To me anyway.
It also is a throw back to earlier and more sexist times that are best left behind IMHO.
It seems to reduce the individuality of the person you are talking about.
I don't see a reason to use it really. "Girlfriend" works just as well as "woman".

And also...I wouldn't sweat it. I'm generally a fairly pedantic wally that only brought it up in an internet debate about becoming a nazi.
To PASmith

No offense taken man. Transitioning from "my girl" to "my woman" was actually a big thing for me a few years back in the whole "acknowledging eachother" phase in my relationship. It never even crossed my mind that some people may consider it offensive so it sparked an interest.
In my neck of the woods the woman refers to their sig other as *my man* but the men don't use the term *my woman* interesting thread and I think it has a lot to do with the area your in and the customs of such.

These things are usually just figures of speech and may sound deeply offensive to people from one area but totally innocent to people from another. It actually annoys me when someone says you mustn't refer to your partner using particular phrases, just in case someone perceives it as disrespectful. So much so that I frequently refer to my girlfriend as "my bitch". Oddly enough, she has no problem with that, but I do tend to date women with a good sense of humour.
The missus is a favourite, although i called her 'bab' for the first couple of years to avoid calling her the wrong name.
It's a three-stage evolution.
Some doris becomes your bird until she becomes the missus.
Them's the rules!
I think "my woman" is used in certain regions more than "My girl". "My girl" has a certain sweet ring regardless of of the female's age as it implies there is that doting quality that tends to occur in the beginning of relationships. "The light of my life" is always good in her presence. "The demon spawn from the ninth circle of hell" could be appropriate but only to your close friends when she's not around.
Now I'm confused.

I got one of my EBay accounts stopped for selling children. Go figure??
I still threaten to sell mine on Ebay if they misbehave. I'll have to resort to the car boot if Ebay is being all menstrual about it.
For me, I like my lady.

I agree with my girl reminds me of my daughter.

Also, I like my better have as well.