My son lost his dsi today :(?


May 13, 2008
He left it by the slide today at the park and sum 1 snatched it up. Hes 9, and taking it well, for now. Not sure how to deal with it when he does have a meltdown because of his carelessness BUT Im the one having thee hardest time dealing with it. LoL What to do
Don't just reward him for his carelessness. He needs to understand the value of things. He left it, and someone else stole it- that's his fault. He should learn to be more careful. Buying him another one will just show him that you're not strong enough and will just get him whatever he wants. If you think he deserves another one, teach him how he should learn to be more respectful of his things and keep up with them better, and then buy him a new 3DS for Christmas as a reward- let him wait until then so that he learn a little patience too.
Wow he'll be shut down. Just get him another one it should be cheaper now. Honestly I don't know either lol