My snake hasn't eaten in 3 weeks?


New member
May 16, 2008
I got him 3 weeks ago and he hasn't eaten yet for me. He's a 12 inch red albino cornsnake. Is there a possibility he's not eating because he's close to shedding? But is there any way to tell if this kind of snake is going to shed, I know the eyes glaze over but is it still noticable if the snake has red eyes?

We've tried feeding him prekilled pinkies, piercing the brain of the pinky and smearing it, wiggling it in front of him, hanging it in the tank, putting him into a smaller box with the mouse, but we havn't tried live 'cause my mother is against it. Should I try forcefeeding it or wait a little longer?

Any and all suggestions are muchly appreciated, I'm on the verge of freaking out...