My sister asked me if i wanted to bake with her... bake not meaning cooking...?


New member
Feb 26, 2008
I'm 15, she's 18, i don't really know what to say, i guess i want to try it for the experience, but idk, she's coming home from college for the weekend, and im going to her college next weekend and partying with her, she says its more safe at home but i just dont know if i really want to.
btw ill probably end up deleting this question haha
getting baked meaning getting high -________-
Smoking pot....ever hear of the term wake and bake,

its when you wake up and immediately get toasted.
Honestly i don't see anything wrong with smoking marijuana.
I do see something wrong with it if you are only doing it to please others. So i'd say if you want to then go for it but if you feel you aren't doing it for the right reasons then don't.
Oh wow! What a GREAT idea! Ruin all the brain cells you can before college! Why not try snuffing too! Your sis is a great influence!
if she was a real sister that actually cared.. like I do for my sister.. There is no way on this earth she would ever ask you anything like that!

I won't ever touch any drugs.. i am even fussy about just paracetamol.. I don't get the big fascination.. why would anyone EVER want to take drugs,, they just mess with your head :(

PLEASE do not take drugs
If you don't want to, just say no, it's not a big deal and she shouldn't care that much. And if you do, go ahead.

As long as there's no judgment, don't worry.
i get this weird feeling like i'm missing something.

lol ok never heard that term being used but i would say no. drugs are wack, i'm 23 and a lot of my friends do it and i just don't get it.
why dont you ask you parents and see what they say! Your sister is an idiot dont follow idiots as they get know where. leave a bake cookie where your parents can see.