my mom found an empty bottle of jager..

Yeah I know the feeling, I remember coming home one day and this was like 3 years ago when I was like 17. I see all my belongings in my closes scattered out and left on the floor and as soon as I walked out my parents were like guess what we found? Apparently I had left like a nickel or dime bag of weed in one of my duffel bags and forgot about it. The shit had to be at least 9-13 months old.
Yeah I'm a bamf because I have some empty bottles that have been sitting on my desk for like a year. I don't even drink anymore as I quit to help further my lifting, therefore there would be little reason to brag about my parents not caring about me drinking.

I've just honestly never seen the big deal. The kids that seem to end up the most messed up are the ones that are sheltered their entire lives. When I turn 21 the only thing I'm excited about is that I'll have better places to play pool and I can apply for my license to carry. Strict rules usually just make the kid more curious. I've just never believed in that view that you need to shelter your children. If you raise them right they will make good decisions. Granted some kids will go down the crapper anyway but the best you can do as a parent is be there to pick them up if they fall. You can influence but never control.
poor argument. you can go to many different countries w/out serving and drink at 18. Not only because you are joining the army or marnies or w/e.
A couple of things wrong with this thread.

1. Your mom is cleaning your room and or doing laundry and your 18.
2. Your actually worried that your mom found a bottle liquor in your room.Your how old again.

i started doin my laundry before i can remeber, and always clean my room./car
and i would sorta be worried if my parents found some jager in my room. but then again i wouldnt be half a dumbass and leave it in my room.
Idiot, I don't drink because I don't need something to stimulate me to have fun. Unlike you, you're so pathetic and feeble you need alcohol to get you going. Also, I'm not willing to risk someone's life to get drunk. (drinking and driving).

Think about that, dipshit.
yeah hXc SXe Striaght edge.. yeah goo striaght edge..

thats the pussiest shit i have ever heard. you can your whole cult of kids that will curbstomp you for smoking a ciggatette(sp).. get a life
usually you have to pay extra for that, either way just say "hey mom, can i have my booze back"
This shit is fucking retarded. I have fun all the time, and every so often I have fun involving alcohol. It's a fun activity, there's no reason not to do it. I walk to and from wherever it is I'm going. I'm not willing to risk anyone's life either.

edit: How old are you?