my lover is very interested to married me but her parents are in caste belief?


New member
May 26, 2011
my lover is very interested to married me but her parents are in castes belief and not ready to give her me cause I am belongs to different caste. she loves their parents alot so she couldn,t married me without their permission. pls tell me what is the solution to this situation

Tell her that it's 2011 and the caste system is outdated and not recognized even by the Indian government anymore. If you want to get married, then get married.
Tell her that it's 2011 and the caste system is outdated and not recognized even by the Indian government anymore. If you want to get married, then get married.
Caste? What is caste?
You mean you are a different ethnicity? That is very shallow and barbaric of her parents. The best you can do is try to talk to them and show them that you love their daughter.

Good luck.