My lizard is acting funny, is it okay?


New member
Sep 11, 2013
I have a little nocturnal lizard living in my kitchen who just appeared there one day. It's been living happily for a few weeks, but now it's acting strange. There's also a big white lump inside it(you can kind see through it) that I think is an egg.
It has more than enough food in the form of little german cockroaches EVERYWHERE, and we always pour a little water on the floor for it and leave or a little jar lid full of water for it.
Here's a short video showing the behavior:
So I actually have three questions;
What kind of lizard is this?
Is this some normal behavior like molting or birthing the egg that it might have?
Is it dying?

I know these kinds of lizards probably shouldn't live indoors, but we kind of needed one to help control or bug problem. It has plenty to eat, and fresh water all the time. Maybe roaches aren't very nutritious...