My Hamster ran away, help?


May 13, 2008
Hello everyone

My hamster was in her ball, but managed to escape.
She had a weird fascination with the kitchen, more specifically she kept trying to get under the area with the kitchen sink. I found the empty hamster ball in the kitchen and I believe she has gone behind the counter and underneath the house.

I have left food out for her in all 3 of the rooms and left her cage opened in the kitchen (However I have left little hamster houses in the other two rooms, as well)

Last night I left out some little bowls of chopped carrots and lettuce leaves, none of which have been touched.

I fear that maybe she is underneath the house and is unable to get back up, it's my first time having a hamster so I have no idea how good their climbing skills are.

Does anyone have any tips of other things I can do to try to coax her out of hiding?

If it helps, she is a Syrian hamster.

Thank you
There's only 3 rooms she can be in, I've looked everywhere, under the bed, sofa, closets, fridge, freezer etc, but to no avail.

I don't own any other pets.

My girlfriend left the hamster unattended in the ball thinking she would be safe, despite me telling her to never leave the hamster alone.
try getting your family to search for her with you. each person has one or two rooms to look in. you could each have some hammy food and then place it near small spaces and such. do you have any other pets like a dog or cat? if so, is it possible they ate her?:( i doubt that though. anyway, good luck, i hope you find your hammy soon!
I have had 3 hamsters before. One of which ran away twice. Once it ended up underneath kitchen cupboards as we had to tear all the wood out to get him out. Hamsters make noise so stop in every place and just listen. If you find its in a small gap tempt it with food to follow it out. Hamsters are good climbers! And end up in all sorts of places. Look literally everywhere. Make sure there's NO gaps leading outside. Shut doors all the time and its possible hamsters to climb up stairs
Shouldnt leave a hamster unattended
Just a bit of advice

Can't really help you with your problem, but I wish for the best of luck to get your hamster back