My fiance and I are eloping, dish to pass, bad taste, improper or no?


New member
Jul 10, 2008
We decided to get a justice of the peace and have a little casual thing on the beach, neither one of us want a big wedding, we want something that is personal, just us. Budget is a bit tight so we are going to have the "reception" in a park, nice family gathering. Is it considered bad taste or improper to ask guest to bring a dish to pass? Its kind of an open invite thing, if you come you come, if you don't well then you don't
My sister actually had a wedding and we asked everyone to bring their favorite dishes. It turned out to be real nice. I just made sure there was chicken for everyone. Huge variety of food.
it depends if this is common where you are - for areas where it isn't,then yes,it would be bad my experience though,close family and friends aren't usually bothered by this thing so i say go for it