My fiance always argues with me.?


Active member
May 13, 2008
When we first began dating there was little to no arguing. If she knew i wrote this she would probably get very angry at me again. The question I am getting at is : is there a way to avoid the arguing. I have already told her i don't have the time to argue, but she persists. She is constantly trying to catch me talking to other girls. A telemarketer called and she pushed the phone against my face and said who is she. Before i ever get a chance to explain she gets loud very loud I can't even respond because she never gives me the chance to. She says she does but she doesn't pay attention enough to notice it. I work I go to school and I try to get time in with my daughter with her complaining shes bored and its my job to entertain her. I really have no idea what to do with her I said counseling and she got angry, and i suggested therapy which got her more angry than before. She says she is bored but doesn't want to go hang out with my friends at parties (get togethers) and other functions. She won't work out with me either. Just complain complain complain and everything is my fault.
Hello Dear ~

I want you to read your post, only pretend that you don't know the guy who wrote it.

What advice would you give that guy?

"I have already told her i don't have the time to argue, but she persists" <~~~ Selfish of her.

"She is constantly trying to catch me talking to other girls." <~~~~ Insecure of her.

" ... shes bored and its my job to entertain her." <~~~~ Are you KIDDING ME !?!

" I really have no idea what to do with her I said counseling and she got angry, and i suggested therapy which got her more angry than before." <~~~~~ Again ... are you kidding me?

Sweetheart, WHAT makes you think that she's Wife Material? I can find nothing that demonstrates maturity, commitment and compromise.

Why not close your eyes for a few seconds, and visualize THIS as your life for the next 40+ years. Do you really want to be the man who is bossed around and henpecked by his wife?

Grow a backbone, and dump her! Trust me when I tell you that you can do better!

That's a tough one..I think she is paranoid about losing you to other woman (that could explain the paranoia about you talking to other girls). Sometimes me and my fiance argues but we always come to a compromise because we don't like to argue. Maybe you can try to come up to a compromise with her (that usually helps me have less arguments).
you can try to talk to her if she will not talk rationally then spend some time apart until a person can be happy by themselves they can not be happy with someone
She may or may not be the right girl for you, but who ever you are with, you would be best served not trying to eliminate fights, but learn how to have them be productive and civil. You may see if there is a place that offers a communications class, or maybe a book or something. Fighting can be a very good and healthy part of a relationship if it is done in the right way. Most people just don't do it in the right way. A lot of times people don't have a clear understanding of what they want to happen out of the argument. Also, people cycle up to a point where they become irrational, rather than recognize that, step back and come to the table again later when they have calmed down and thought of another more appropriate approach. There are lots of tools and tricks that can turn arguing from screaming crazy making into satisfying exchanges to be heard and promote change or growth in a relationship.
I never fought with my first gf because I thought it was bad to. I ended up having a lot of unresolved issues that just piled up until the relationship collapsed. It's much better to fight, just to do it in a constructive way.
i wouldnt marry someone like that it is who she is and i would run run run away as fast as you can it isnt healthy for your daughter
Don't expect her behavior to change after you are married. Why are you marrying this girl again?
She sounds .. bad. But honestly it takes two. So don't put it all on her. And if it really isn't working..leave. Yahoo can't fix your relationship.
This is all so sad, you have to realise that you have reached the end of the road with this relationship, its past its sell by date and if you are ever going to feel like a man again you have to move on.
Best of luck and see your daughter often.