My dad really emotionally abuses me? and then physically when I argue back?


New member
Nov 15, 2011
(I'm writing this just after an argument with him, so some of it might be a bit hateful, and it's a little long, sorry!)

He is basically an a*s. Capital A really. He's messed his life up. And it has had a turn onto mine. He used to gamble ALOT (still does), to the point where there wasn't even bread left. He bet all my mothers jewelry and lost it all.. He is in hundreds of thousands of pounds in debt with these "gang" related people, because he gambled it, which resulted in me moving alot in my pre-teens to be "safe". This has really had an emotional effect on me, because I've never settled down. The moving begun when I was 11, I am now 15 going 16. I've rarely experienced school years 7, 8 and 9. But in recent years, like 10 & 11, I've somehow developed the balls to be able to argue back at him. Did I mention he also really emotionally abused me when I was young also. I was a little overweight. I'm a boy by the way. And this isn't a teenage "fret", I've spoken to teachers about it and they even told me it's emotional abuse.

So yeah, I argue back with him now, and sometimes, he tries to blame me, ME, for all of this happening!? He says how he was doing it to support me as a child. Once he even suggested he regretted having me, resulting me in developing reallly suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to disappear because I thought that this would make him happy. Now I know that's total BULLSHIT. If he wanted to support me so badly, he would of gotten a secure job? I hate him so much!

We always have these MASSIVE arguments starting off from little things, and it pleases him. I can see it in his face, when I'm in tears because I'm SOOOOOOOOOO angry, (I do that for some reason, don't know why), he has this little self-pleased smirk on his face. I've never sworn at him, and I ALWAYS show him respect! I have never had a girlfriend, I don't do drugs, I don't drink alcohol, I get straight A's, so I don't know? And after the argument, he goes into this guilty mood, where he's all like "oh I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to, blahblahhh" and then he goes on this buy me anything I want mode?
It's gotten to a point where I stay at after-school clubs till 6 o'clock, just to avoid going home 'cos I know he will start an argument.
What should I do? :(

Sorry for making you read this.
Most of you mention Social Services/Welfare ..The ironic thing is, one time after an argument, i yelled at my dad "I'M CALLING THE WELFARE ON YOU, FJDFDKGNJDGN" and then he replied "Go on then, not my headache. They won't feed to *poking my stomach* they won't buy you phone credit, they wont..." < he just goes on about my luxuries?
You need to get help. Any type of abuse is liable to be reported to Child and Youth. You really should give them a call or you can go to Guidance at your school and try and have them call for you. This is a serious matter and it will only get worse so getting out of the danger you are in now is your best bet. And talk to your friends too. They can help you cope.

I bid you good luck and be safe! :)
Don't be sorry at all. Talk to your teachers about getting you and your dad a family therapist. If that doesn't work... well... click on this link to find the number for child services in your state.
Emotionally I would see a family councilor

Physically because u talked back all u can do is try to get him to a anger management classes