My brothers and I need some sci fi movie suggestions?


New member
Nov 24, 2010
We're gonna have a sci fi/exciting thriller movie night, and we need some help finding some movies. My brothers are 10 and 12, but they're pretty tough. The only thing that we don't really want is a lot of sexual content. Also, nothing too graphic or gory, but really just suggest anything, and we can look up the content.
Some of our favourites are Signs, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, and Alien, but we would love to find something new.
Thanks for your help! :)
Also, as a personal request from me, no "the world is ending/has ended" movies. I find those really, really depressing.
"The Fifth Element"
"Soylent Green"
"The Time Machine"
"War of the Worlds"
"Men in Black"
"Galaxy 999"
Earth Sea, The Butterfly effect, Serenity, Outlander (2009), Highlander 1984, Dune miniseries newer one, Matrix, Newer Battlestar Galactica series, The Last Starfighter, Ultimate Avengers (animation), Ultimate Avengers 2 (animation), Planet Hulk (animation), GI Joe, Ironman 1 & 2 and Aliens
Earth Sea, The Butterfly effect, Serenity, Outlander (2009), Highlander 1984, Dune miniseries newer one, Matrix, Newer Battlestar Galactica series, The Last Starfighter, Ultimate Avengers (animation), Ultimate Avengers 2 (animation), Planet Hulk (animation), GI Joe, Ironman 1 & 2 and Aliens