my boyfriend's mother talks against me to him; he says nothing bc 'i don't...


New member
Nov 11, 2010
...know what to say,' he said.? every chance she gets, she complains about me, and i put her on ignore. when she comes over to cause dramas, i leave for a walk and avoid it. he NEVER will even defend me by telling her not to talk about me behind me back. says he doesn't know what to say. i told him, just say to her, please stop trashing my gf. his answer: i could say that, but he doesn't. what should i do? i've tried to talk to her calmly, to no avail.
I'd say you are wasting your time on a man who doesn't value you enough to stand up for you to any and all people who would put you down, including his mother. Why do you want to stay with a weak man who let's his mother run his life. Time to move on.