My boyfriend still has his ex's number on his cellphone even though they don't...


Active member
May 11, 2008
36 anymore? Hey everyone. I've been dating my boyfriend now for over 5 months. A year ago, he and this girl had a very messy break-up which ended up them hating each others guts. (She was his first "true" love.) They stopped talking right around when me and him met and started dating. He had this girl's number on his cell and when I asked him about her (when we started dating), he told me the story and how she refuses to speak to him because of something embarrassing he did (he wouldn't tell me what, though!). Anyway, I paid no mind until recently, 5 months later, when he left his phone on his bed and I had to call one of his friends for a favor. As I scroll down to find the friend's name/number, her name and number was still saved! I would have thought by now he would have erased it! I have asked people about her and they all said that they're pretty sure she is super mad at him and will never speak to him again, and she even told him this the day she decides to cut off contact, so he knows he won't hear from her again...

Am I overreacting? Otherwise, I trust him completely and he's a very nice guy! :(
The problem is that when he knows someone is very mad at him, or he's mad at them, he deletes their number off his phone. So why is SHE getting the special treatment?!? :(
oh...he still loves her....if sum1 really loved sum1 they will save little things as a be bothered by that :/