My bf is in his 40s and still smokes pot....?


New member
Mar 5, 2011
He smokes pot occasionally [used to smoke did I in high school] I'm 18 and he's 49, he's an artist , he says he does it for inspiration. I don't know why but it still annoys me when he does it. It doesn't really do anything for me anymore, I've grown out of it, plus I'm in college and I need to concentrate on assignments and exams and stuff so I'll do it maybe like once or twice a month. He had a job interview this morning [it was for a real job, illustrating book covers, because he doesn't make that much from his paintings alone ] and last night went to smoke at a friend's at like 8:00. he asked me if i wanted to come and i said "do what you want" [i said it in an upset tone , but he still went] . I just don't get it...I guess it's not a big deal and I should let it go. I just think about what the future will be like with him if we get married and have kids...doubting he will ever quit... since he's done it forever and he's in his 40s , pretty much settled in his ways, he is super stubborn. its not causing major problems, he rocked the interview and they want to talk to him again , idk why its bothering me , i guess i feel like he's being immature , Should i just let it go?