my bf is dumping me bcoz of his


New member
Nov 24, 2008
hi,plezz give sum specific n clear answers....
my bf love is bike too much n i love animals a lot........i can do anythng for them n so does he for his bike...........two days ago we went on a ride n a zoo was it there was only cage of leopard.....below it there was written' dnt throw stones or foodstuffs on my bf was purposely disturbing d leopard by throwing stones on his cage

i said to him that if u want to hurt sum1 then hurt me nt the leopard bt still he continued 3 to 4 then i took a stone n scratched his bike.......that scratch is less than an inch n hardly seen now(he covered it by using chemicals)...he even asked me money 4 the repair.....

when i wanted to give him d money he refused to take..........n now when everything should be alrite he says tht i hurted his bike...n he is nt able to 4get that........i m trying to understand him bt he is nt understanding me.........that leopard is live animal even he has feelings....4 his whole life he is in that bloody cage whereas he shoud hav been in the jungle........

my bf is nt understanding this....we r in relationship since 1. 1/2 yrs......i even said sorry to him bt of no use........we really love each other n cant live without each this time we had many bad times bt still we r with each other then why bcoz of a bike this shoud happen.......

plezzz help me what should i do???????
i love him n cant live without him?????
help plezz......
Ok first off , judging by your spelling errors , and shortning of words , id say your probably less than 18. So saying "we cant live without eachother" , your still very young. Maybe you guys need some time to relax and take a break. If your noticing your relationship is going down and cant seem to turn things around. Try a break , if he likes you as much as you think , he should forget about the bike and focus on you.
Sounds like he can live without you. Maybe you should hold off on big-girl relationships until you're at an age when you won't deface your partner's property when things don't go your way.
He seems immature to me.. and in certain aspects you are behaving immature too..

He should not be angry on you for scratching his bike (though its hardly seen) and saying that he cant forget it is really stupid of him.

Make him miss you for once or twice.. he should be back with you and this time - Please, no more silly fights!