My baby will not stop whining!!?


New member
Mar 16, 2010
My daughter is one years old and she recently started whining ALL the time. Two of her teeth already busted through so I figured she was not teething. I changed her to regular milk 1 month ago and I thought maybe the milk was hurting her stomach. But her stool and everything is okay. She whines alot when she doesn't get her way. What can I do to break her out of this habit?
I didn't people who can't talk can whine...Oh well
You can try to make her hate the habits. Like when a baby likes to suck on a pacifier, put seasoning, salt or pepper on it to make the baby dislike it more.
You tell her to stop every time she does it and look out at what she whines for she may realize that when she whines enough you give in. So remain strong and firmly say not to what she wants at that time. If it evolves into a tantrum one good spank in the butt and she'll realize to not do that again but be firm and constant don't just be firm very once in awhile.
IM gonna tell you two things...One what a doctor would might say...try ignoring it until she see's u don't care she might....two ..what i think..Mst kinds whine at that age when they don't get what they want its a phase..they grow out of it try to ignore it until then
she's no longer a babe!! this might be part of the problem since you're not treating her like a toddler. invest in a back pack which will allow you to hold her while doing chores, walking, or shopping. anticipate her needs sooner, use the word NO less often, and see the pediatrician if you suspect a medical problem. get counseling for yourself -an overstressed parent is a dangerous one.
Take her to the doctor and have her checked out. Most babies this age whine when they are sick or aren't feeling well because they can't tell you where it hurts. Of course it may very well be her teeth since most babies have more than 2 teeth by the time their 20. Next, look at what she's whining for. If it's just regular stuff like cookies or candy or what ever then you might have taught her to whine. Most parents who give in after saying no because the kid whines, actually encourage this behavior. If it's not any of these things then I would evaluate her diet.