my asshole neighbour blocked my drive way - i can't get my car out now and...


New member
Jul 3, 2008
...hes not home ? that sorry excuse for a human being parked his UGLY horrendous giant 4x4 'tank' (these are not cars folks, im sorry im 199% anti 4 x4's in public places, keep them in the country rural areas - not on our frigging streets arrgh ! '>_<' *

and the twat aint home.

so I'm angry and I think i ought to shell his car with eggs and then do some poo and place it on the bonnet or something of that magnitude.

Hes got a problem with my dog, he barks at night sometimes and he goes NUTs when he sees my neighbour come into his garden - my dog just does NOT like that man at all.

also he can't stand our cat cos it sits on his extension roof and stares into his bedroom window - i caught him chucking a bowl of water at it once and I was on fire, my blood boiled and i confronted him and asked him why he did that and he remarked 'sorry love, next time i'll find some nitric acid ok ?'

is this guy being an intentional a55hole to me or am i over reacting ?
Okay shut it and control it or you will become him! Simple solution, call the police and tell them he is blocking your drive and it is and has been an ongoing problem. Be the reasonable one and you will make him look like the bad guy. Control your language and temper and you will win the day!
jack the car up and take his wheels off putting bricks under the car and see how he likes that the prick x
step by step instructions:

1. go to kitchen
2. take 3-4 potatoes
3. walk to car
4.insert firmly in exhaust pipe
5. take car key
6. apply to paint job scratch rigorously against door (and all over car if needed)
7. run back in house
8. call cops and report his wife/kid/friend for vandalism
9. watch neighbor come racing home
10. laugh as hard as you can
Get it dragged into the middle of the road and leave it to someone else to report it. If he's been drinking he'll have a tough time explaining how it got there.
Probably a little of both. Throwing water on a cat won't hurt it. Your neighbor can call the cops on you for your noisy dog at night, though. So far he has not damaged anything belonging to you. Why would you consider vandalizing his property as a proper and adult response?
Could it be you are not proper and adult?
Tiffs between neighbors often get out of hand, but.....if his vehicle is actually parked on your property and impending your access, then you can call a tow truck and have it hauled off your property. You probably need to file a complaint with the police, first, though. When your neighbor returns, his vehicle will be gone, there will be a card from the towing company, and he will have to pay to have his vehicle returned.
Take pictures of the area and the location of his vehicle and how it blocks your access to your driveway.
Expect the war to escalate.
Yea he is. Call a tow truck and have his car towed. I believe it is against the law to block someones drive way. That would teach him.
assuming you are in the UK, if he is blocking YOUR drive way, that is a legal drive way, with a dropped curb then you can call the local police NOT 999 number and ask that they come and deal with it, tell them you need to get to work and he has YET again blocked your drive.

And sorry as for your pets [dog owner here as well] it is mind numbing to hear a bloody dog bark half the night and where your cat goes and sits means that it is probably pooping over there as well so I would hose it down as well............